We work closely with our clients to define their objectives and create the optimal strategy to achieve them.
With many of the lawyers at Tousley Brain Stephens participating as not just counsel to, but principals in, sophisticated real estate projects, we have a unique perspective on real estate litigation. This direct, personal experience, coupled with significant trial experience, provides our clients with lawyers who understand how the real estate industry works and who excel at developing creative solutions to problems that may initially seem intractable.
While a trial is rarely our ultimate objective, our lawyers have tried virtually every type of real estate dispute. That includes easements, adverse possession, broker liability and commissions, street and alley vacation, title insurance claims and coverage, assessments, real estate excise taxes, ejectment, construction defects, earth movement and landslides, quiet title, commercial lease disputes, commercial unlawful detainer, construction liens, water intrusion, timber trespass, foreclosures and workouts, and eminent domain and condemnation.
Our practice also includes a growing number of cases involving homeowners and homeowners associations.
Lidiya I. Bayliyeva

Chase C. Alvord

Cecily C. Jordan

Joan Pradhan